Portfolio > Stomachly

Home Page

Home page with simple search option.

Search Results

Search results are provided with ratings preview.

Restaurant Details

Restaurant details are presented with our original rating options.

Project Attributes

Languages: HTML, CSS, Ruby, JavaScript

Frameworks: Rails, JQuery

Platform: Ubuntu, MySQL, Linode

Tools: TextMate, Phusion Passenger (Dev/Production), PivotalTracker, Git, Capistrano

Gems: haml, rspec, geokit, authlogic, mislav-will_paginate, acts_as_rateable, yelp, oauth

Other: My submission for Rails Rumble 2009 as a member of the Raving Rubyists. Stomachly is a site that allows visitors to rate restaurants on a single metric of how badly they must use the restroom after dining.

Visit Site: http://www.stomachly.com

Project Involvement
  • Drafted initial site concept and unique restaurant rating metric
  • Developed entire site in 48 hours with a team that included a designer and three developers
  • Fortified business directory of 140,000 listings with data via the Yelp REST API