Portfolio > Stomachly
Project Attributes
Languages: HTML, CSS, Ruby, JavaScript
Frameworks: Rails, JQuery
Platform: Ubuntu, MySQL, Linode
Tools: TextMate, Phusion Passenger (Dev/Production), PivotalTracker, Git, Capistrano
Gems: haml, rspec, geokit, authlogic, mislav-will_paginate, acts_as_rateable, yelp, oauth
Other: My submission for Rails Rumble 2009 as a member of the Raving Rubyists. Stomachly is a site that allows visitors to rate restaurants on a single metric of how badly they must use the restroom after dining.
Project Involvement
- Drafted initial site concept and unique restaurant rating metric
- Developed entire site in 48 hours with a team that included a designer and three developers
- Fortified business directory of 140,000 listings with data via the Yelp REST API